Thank you for participating in this survey on transactional sex in humanitarian contexts. It is intended to inform ListenH, a four-year research project hosted by the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) and funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). The study is headed up by Professor Thea Hilhorst, Karin Astrid Siegmann and Silke Heumann. Questions related to this survey should be directed to Clea Kahn (

For the purpose of this study, transactional sex is defined as the exchange of sex for cash, goods, services, commodities or privileges by people who may or may not identify as sex workers. Transactional sex can help people survive or improve their situation but is also a precarious and risky strategy rooted in unequal power relations.

This project poses three broad questions:
• What are the motivations for, practices of and consequences of transactional sex in humanitarian crisis situations based on the perspectives of people engaging in it?
• How do these motivations relate (or not) to views and assumptions embedded in humanitarian and policy responses to transactional sex in crisis situations?
• How can the needs and problems of people involved in transactional sex be more effectively addressed?

This survey aims to explore the second of these questions by seeking the experience and perspectives of people working in humanitarian contexts, and their views on how this relates to policy. We welcome the views of people working with a broad range of organisations, including local, national and international organisations, intergovernmental organisations like the United Nations, governments and others.

This survey involves a questionnaire that should take between 10 and 15 minutes to complete. Data will be used in publications and to inform further work in connection with the project. Participation is entirely voluntary and confidential. There are no incentives for participation and no penalties if you choose not to participate. You can withdraw at any time simply by closing your browser, however once your responses have been submitted it will be impossible to remove them.

All data will be handled according to General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and will be kept anonymous (your name will not appear in any publication related to this study and will not be shared with anyone else). Only researchers working with ListenH will have access to the data. Any sensitive personal data will be stored safely in accordance with GDPR guidelines and will not be linked with any identifying information about you (e.g. your name, your IP address). If you wish to take part in this study, please tick ALL of the following boxes.